A lot of enthusiasm and time is invested in an empirical project - be it the next article, the bachelor or master thesis, the data analysis for a dissertation, or any other research project. Of course, you don't want to waste all that effort with simple and outdated frequentist methods, but rather analyze the data with adapted methods, with a Bayesian framework, and, if applicable, with modern AI comparison methods. This is more than just a visit to the institute's methods group. Let's talk about how we can work together!
Experts in substantive empirical research know that frequentistic null hypothesis testing is outdated and no longer state of the art. A lot of effort has gone into collecting a data set, and it would be a shame if the research questions could not be reliably answered with that data - whether the methods are simply outdated or not as powerful as they could be for the research situation. In addition, reviewers and editors of high-impact journals often prefer the use of modern methods, which means that the chances of publication are greatly increased if the analysis is performed with top-notch methods. However, as an empirical researcher, you're probably an expert in your specific area of research, and you simply don't have the time to learn statistics from scratch; considering how fast the field is moving, keeping up is a full-time job. There are always colleagues who can help, but their time is also limited.
Working with you as a team, the Thomas Bayes Institute can fill this gap. We specialize in modern data analysis, using SEM adapted to your research situation, Bayesian interpretation of the results, and AI-powered methods such as machine learning to find all the information hidden in your data. We have extensive experience working with empirical researchers in a variety of fields, so we understand the needs of your research project and can suggest the methods that best fit your questions. Whether it is a single research question in an undergraduate thesis or much larger and more complex datasets, we look forward to working with you. Give us a free call to find out which methods will get the most out of your data!