TeaP Workshop on Bayesian Statistics

We are excited to announce a short workshop on Bayesia Statiistics at the Teap 2025 in Frankfurt, Germany, on March 9, 2025!

Null hypotheses testing is no longer state of the art. Nevertheless, many empirical researchers still default to it, even using significance testing, as the switch to modern methods seems a difficult to step to do. In this workshop, we will discuss why Bayesian methods are in fact easier than null hypotheses testing (and way more fun, although sadly not so well suited to show off as you might think). We will play hands-on with theoretical concepts to get to know them better, and work practically on how to do Bayesian analyses efficiently. We will discuss possible choices for priors and how to reach these decisions. Finally, and importantly, we work on what strategies can be employed to switch a project team, a lab, or a whole department to modern Bayesian methods without breaking the flow of things.

The workshop will be led by the Thomas Bayes Institute team. All participants of the Teap are cordially invited!

Workshop Details

  • Dates: March 9th 2025
  • Location: Frankfurt, Germany
  • Cost: Admission to the TeaP, no costs to the TBI